02/27 - Lady Lotus Women's Sexuality Group
27 February at 18:00–20:00
Women's Sexuality is a topic that many women are afraid to broach. Way beyond the physical act of intercourse, sexuality is our connection to the Divine Feminine within ourselves. We are taught not to talk about it, to be embarrassed or feel guilty over it. This keeps us from embracing our own Power as women! Learning to love yourself includes embracing your sexuality. This group is about Truth and openness. It is a safe place to ask questions and discuss our blocks to embracing ourselves as women. It is open to all sexual orientations and helpful whether or not you are in a relationship. It's about your relationship with yourself. Please join Jennifer Dawn, Registered Nurse, Reiki Master, Vibrational Therapist in a monthly conversation and education forum about women's sexuality. Embrace your Power! Donation of $10 graciously accepted. Our first meeting will include an overview of women's sexuality, it's importance and discussion of topics you would like to cover in future meetings. Please RSVP to Jennifer Dawn 518-335-4886 or message the page/ Jennifer Dawn here on FB so that handouts can be prepared. Thank you 💖